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Air Display |
Air Display is an App for iPad and notePC user. Sometime we need one more display outside of office, then this App make iPad as another display. On iPad display, we can use touch interface.
The concept is honest and direct but not bad. Therefore, it is a little bit expensive (1,200Yen, it’s about 15$) but I bought without doubt.
Your usage doesn’t require so much high spec, it’s mean you want to see mail or some website (not movie) only with this App, this App is enough. However, some people criticized this App’s slowness on board, so it seemed too heavy for watching movie.
Still the function of iPad and note book PC are different for me. If iPad2 get camera and high spec memory and some details are fixed, it will overcome heavy Mac Book Pro.
Air DisplayはiPadとノートPCを両方使う人のためのアプリです。ちなみに私は両方持ち歩きます。
私の中でいまだiPadとノートブックPCの機能は異なっています。もしiPad2がカメラを得て高性能のメモリを搭載しいくつかの詳細をつめれば、この重いMac Book を持ち歩く必要がなくなるのにと思います。