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KAIST calendar |
I received KAIST calendar from Prof.Kim. It’s really cool.
Honestly speaking, I don’t use paper calendar usually because I’m iCal user, it can sync with my iPad and iPhone, it’s really useful, but I think paper calendar doesn’t have that kind of usefulness.
However, I was surprised at this quality, I felt I want to use it with only glance.
This calendar looks like expensive, it’s because paper and photograph quality is high and detail is not cheap. This calendar is made for celebrating 40th Anniversary of KAIST. Osaka university has long history more than twice but can Osaka university make expensive things like this?
There is one more surprising truth. This calendar was made by KAIST facilities. For example, the design director of this calendar is Prof.Kim Hyunjeong, a beautiful lady. Osaka university has many professors more than about three times but can they make cool things like this? or when they have a professor who can design great things, can they have a skill to evaluate correctly those great design?
もう一つ驚くべき事実があります。このカレンダーはKAISTの教授陣によって作られているのです。デザインディレクターは美しい女性教授 キム ヒュンジョン先生です。大阪大学は約3倍の教授がいますがこのようなクールなモノを作ることができる教授はいるのでしょうか?もしくは大阪大学には偉大なデザイナーがいて、そのデザイナーの作ったデザインを彼らは正当に評価することが出来るのでしょうか?