I introduced some great scenes in campus of KAIST and compared them with Osaka University’s. Moreover, I criticized the campus in Osaka University from many kinds of aspects. Then, I’d like to show alternative campus plan for Osaka University. 
Before that, I should research the history and essence of university and campus.
Originally how was the university established? What is the origin of University? We can find many article about them on Internet, they are University of Bologna and University of Paris. They are interesting and they seemed to have common ground, university has its roots in “universitas” of Latin language, it meant an association consist of teachers guilds and students guilds. The teacher came up big on the real-world and they acted in a spirit of noblesse oblige, the students asked the teacher for instruction and studied front-line things. Then, there are no campus, the place where the teachers can teach students, the students can be taught by the teachers was what is now called campus.

So why did campus become like this?



もともと大学とはどのように発生したのでしょうか。ネットでは様々な記事が見つかります。ボローニャ大学やパリ大学などがそれです。これらについての考察は面白いですが、ある共通点を確認しました。それは「university」という単語が「universitas」というラテン語を起源としており、「universitas」とは教師のギルドと学生のギルドの集まりといった意味合いらしいです。教師は実際に社会で活躍し、「Nobless Obliege」に応える。そして、学生達は教師に教えを乞い最先端の物事を学ぶ。そこにはキャンパスなど無かった。教師が教える事ができ、学生が学ぶことができる場所が、今で言われるキャンパスであった。


What is campus? 2 -キャンパスとは? 2-

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