“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
This is a famous phrase by father of personal computer. It includes important meaning for not only researcher of computer science but also designer and engineer.
I think this phrase shows the importance of inventing something. Real something already invented can have a more strong power than abstract concepts like idea. It’s easier to convey idea by sketch than only talking, and it’s more easier by making mock up model. Something invented can spread to people and people make the future unconsciously.
However, you can understand its difficulty the same with predicting future. Inventing something needs a lot of energy because it require considering about it. I have to fight with this struggle thing with dreaming better future.

Korean historical building is similar to Japanese historical one, like temple. (In modern society we can build anything, thanks to technological development and cultural exchange, but I want to state about cultural differences between Japan and Korea in this article, so I don’t take care about current thing.) Both of them are made by wood and have kawara. They are totally different from other countries’ except China building.
However there are surely differences between each other. According to my Australian friend who live in Korea, total appearance is not different but details are different. Japanese did more fine work and Korean’s are more simple.
Moreover, I think concept of building is different too. Historical Japanese building are designed to escape from hotness of summer, on the other hand, Korean seemed to want to escape from coldness of winter. Ondol a Korean stove under floor is just an example. Without doubt Daejeon is colder than Osaka, though I’m not sure it depends on this winter’s speciality or not.
私は建物の設計思想も異なっていると考えています。日本の伝統的な家屋は 夏の暑さから逃れるために設計されており、一方韓国はオンドルに代表されるように冬の寒さから逃れるためのものが多いように感じます。間違いなく大阪よりデジョンの方が寒いのですが、今年の特別な寒さのせいでそれが自然なものかどうかは分かりません。

Eating Korean cuisine is fun time for me. Cuisine is sometimes express their culture, so I can study Korean culture with eating them. For Japanese Korean cuisine is a little bit popular, because someone will travel to Korea for eating Korean meal.
Maybe it is really famous that many Korean cuisines are hot, really hot. Japanese usually assume that Korean people eat kimchi everyday, but it’s not true, not everyday but every meal. I think it’s more correct expression.
What they eat and also eating style are different from Japanese, and Chinese too in the same way of other things. It’s interesting to research the reason. I want to try it.

Language is one of the most important part for human beings. It makes culture, manner and characteristic of that country, district or community.
Now I’m studying Korean Language. I said Korea is the most closest country for Japan but it’s different from Japanese Language in many points. There are also many similarity but Japanese people can’t understand Korean Language naturally, and I think Korean people as well.
In Europe, they seem to understand their neighbor’s language on some level, but Asian, especially Japanese Korean and Chinese can’t understand other’s language. I don’t know why. It’s one kind of sad story but solving this riddle seems to be interesting.
Now I’m owing my Korean teachers and my Korean friends many obligations, but now I’m talking with not mother language but English. Before finishing this studying abroad, I want to talk with them in their mother language.

For Japan, Korea is the closest country. (In this blog, I state Korea as South Korea. It’s because I never admit North Korea as nation. I think they should be integrated to South Korea. However, there are still many political economical and historical problems. These problems are main problems for Asian next generation. Including Japan, we must solve them.)
In the past, it was the closest and furthest country on account of historical problems. Recently, it has been becoming the closest and closest country at last.

There are many intimateness between each other, for example, I can sing Japanese songs in Korean karaoke room and kimchi is famous food in Japan. On the other hand, there are many differences between them, for example, kimono and jeogori is similar from western people’s view but difference surely exists.

These differences are really interesting for me studying in Korea. I want to search and consider them.




指差し会話韓国 touch & talk

This App helps Japanese traveler to travel Korea. I don’t travel but it helps me too.
With this App, we can check important Korean words or expression for travel, and this App can talk.
The most specific point of this App is arrangement of words. Words or expression with simple illustration are listed in table. Thanks to this, we can use this in conversation, showing table on iPad and pointing a word. We can communicate each other through this App. I think it’s new way of communication. In the past, with a book, if you want to show a page it’s annoying to show with holding pages, but now on iPad we don’t need to do like that.
Moreover I could study many words related with that words. It means we can use this App after traveling to study language. In addition, there seems to be many language version. It’s useful.
指差し会話韓国 touch & talk は日本人で韓国を旅行する人を助けるアプリです。私は旅行者ではありませんが、このアプリに助けられています。
Where’s Wally?
Where’s Wally? in Hollywood

Also maybe you know this name, Where’s Wally? is a series of famous playing book. I used to play with this book when I was child, I guess many people too.
 Bad point of this book was only its size. However, nowadays we can play Where’s Wally? on iPad. You can play this game also on iPhone though, I recommend HD version for iPad. It’s because easy to play with iPad, with this game you can understand essential difference between iPad and iPhone.
This game is suitable for touch interface very well. You can enjoy this very intuitively in the same way of the book. In fact, you can enjoy more, because this game has versus mode. It’s really interesting I want you to try it!
There are two versions, normal ver. and Hollywood ver., developer released Hollywood ver. these days. On this version, they added to magnifying function before we couldn’t on normal version. I think it’s reasonable price and these games give us chances to talk  with girls. Moreover, now they are selling with discount price. Now is the time to buy them!
Street Fighter Ⅳ

Maybe you know this game, Street Fighter Ⅳ is world known Japanese beat’-em up game. It was named 4 but there are many kinds over 4. Street Fighter series might be most old and famous beat’-em up game.
These games have been sold based on many kinds of platforms, CAPCOM showed iPhone ver.
We thought games which need quick response like versus game do not match with touch interface, because it has no physical response to controller, controller can’t understand their move freely.
However, this App solved this problem with simple way. They simplified operation method, it made complexity (kind of origin of long playing) low but also levels of entry low and price.  Thanks to this I think this App is really effective one.
Why don’t we play together!





iPhoneもしくはiPod touch、iPadでもいいです。持っている方対戦しましょう。

Air Display

Air Display is an App for iPad and notePC user. Sometime we need one more display outside of office, then this App make iPad as another display. On iPad display, we can use touch interface.
The concept is honest and direct but not bad. Therefore, it is a little bit expensive (1,200Yen, it’s about 15$) but I bought without doubt.
Your usage doesn’t require so much high spec, it’s mean you want to see mail or some website (not movie) only with this App, this App is enough. However, some people criticized this App’s slowness on board, so it seemed too heavy for watching movie.
Still the function of  iPad and note book PC are different for me. If iPad2 get camera and high spec memory and some details are fixed, it will overcome heavy Mac Book Pro.
Air DisplayはiPadとノートPCを両方使う人のためのアプリです。ちなみに私は両方持ち歩きます。
私の中でいまだiPadとノートブックPCの機能は異なっています。もしiPad2がカメラを得て高性能のメモリを搭載しいくつかの詳細をつめれば、この重いMac Book を持ち歩く必要がなくなるのにと思います。
Design Classics

Design Classics is a kind of reference App for iPad, you can see 1000 well designed things. It can be used as a design materials, actually I used as a sketch example.
Also user interface is good. Pictures are flying and coming, we can choose them. It’s a little bit different from others, if you see it you can understand soon.
The problem is only its high price expensive than others. However, for students who study design it’s good App I think.
Design Classics」ではデザインで有名な1000のプロダクトを見ることが出来るiPad専用アプリです。このアプリは資料に使えそうです。実際に私スケッチの手本として使っています。