I continue the story of yesterday’s article, I want to propose concrete method of educational revolution to make new Japan. In this article, I won’t discuss detail way how to teach students because the perfect answer does not exist, if I have to point it, there are no way but to increase teacher’s skill. Therefore, I make a proposal to change national scheme. This concept started with the problem of high school education but it will cover all problems about education.
At first, Japan should admit credit system and grade skipping. Japan adopt grade system for the reason that many people believe education should be “Equal education”. It is clearly wrong. Certainly, the chance to take education must be equal to all people, but the reward and the result of each student may have the differences. This method leads people to admit the differences from other people, and it can make some elites more easily. If people couldn’t admit the differences, it bring only envy. However, this method have possibilities to hurt people who have problem to study something like handicapped, disability or impairment. The government have to protect them with making many special school for them.

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