Now Serkan issues are boomed in the Internet. The issues are suspicion of fraud in application for employment by Mr. Serkan Anilir, a former assistant professor of University of Tokyo. I caught this topic from my professor’s tweet and I don’t know him, so I won’t mention them whether correct or not. Though I have no interest about its result, I have interest about Net Journalism caused the happening that doctor’s degree were deprived at the first time in University of Tokyo.
In here, I state my attitude first, I’m not critic of Internet and Net Journalism at all. Rather I welcome them, I hope that they defeat conventional media gaining established interest. Therefore, I want to comment about the role of them. I means the insincerity of anonymity.
Information on Internet can’t remove its indefiniteness because it can be altered or deleted easily. Therefore, I think it doesn’t have validity. I encourage a discussion on Internet with anonymity but I refuse a feedback from them to real world. It need executor’s name as a seal, if it do something. I think there is no necessity to struggle with information that can’t understand the origin.

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