今、ネット上で話題になっている 勝間和代 VS ひろゆき (BSジャパン『デキビジ』にて放送。残念ながらYouTubeの動画は削除されてしまったようです。)を見て多くの方が自分の意見を述べているので、僕も自分の意見を述べたいと思います。
I try to state my own opinion about that which people should chose real name or anonymity , since many people state their own opinion through the debate about it between Ms.Kazuyo Katsuma(a famous economic analyst) and Mr.Hiroyuki(former owner of Japanese largest Bulletin Board on Internet).
In their debate, Ms.Katsuma who support realnamism lost her logic and elicited sympathy from viewer but I choose real name side. (I wrote on my older post.)
It’s because I want to be evaluated by the sum of real me and virtual me (It’s mean my activity on Internet). I hope to be not an anonymous one and to become a responsible one so I’m interested in not other’s activity but myself. I think “The individual should select it recognizing advantages and disadvantage of anonymous and real name.” If I want to change commonsense in Internet, I guess it is the best way to grow people’s moral or literacy of Internet.
My creeps to anonymous began when I heard from my friend his brag about his company.
“The wonderful thing is not you.”
I have thought how to appeal myself since the time. I know if I make much more opponents, I feel more stress. The most important thing is how I want to live.

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