I introduce an e-book that I bought first. It was free when I downloaded it because of campaign.
It is a book written by Twitter evangelist in Japan, Mr. Nobuyuki Hayashi.
There is some information technology innovation like Windows 95 or Web2.0. This book covered iPhone and Twitter that was kinds of the newest one.
I knew what he wrote because I have iPhone and twitter account, but I could organize information and knowledge about them with this book. I recommend it people who bought iPhone recently. I think it will be important from now how we use cloud computing.
By the way, the times are flying in information technology. Though this book published on around April, they have already become not the newest one by the appearance of Ustream or iPad.
If you feel you should get fresh information more, you should buy iPhone and download twitter client. If you don’t feel so, you can stay there because people getting established interest will protect their income.

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