Surprise! Finally this blog has grown to that be requested to write a reviewing post by a software vender. I can’t believe this, I never though I’d see the day.
That software name is JCopia that seems like to capture flash video and audio from websites. Why I used “seems like” is that I don’t know that software. I’m not a man to  write a review without using it, but I can’t use that software at all. The answer is easy, it’s compatible with windows OS only. As you know, I’m definitely a Mac OS user, I don’t have any plan to use windows OS now, at least till my graduation, it means 1 and half a year later.
I guess readers of this blog is limited because this blog is one of my training. Everyday I suffered from writing this but I don’t think it contains wonderful contents (now I’m training myself to get a skill to write wonderful contents though.) Therefore, the mail I got was one kind of spam I think, but I was happy that I could write a reviewing post. Thanks JITECO.

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