Last week, I and my Korean best friends got  Judge’s Special Award of Fujitsu Design Award 2011.
I attended the ceremony of that award as a representative of us because my friends couldn’t participate it.
Honestly I was very happy that we were selected as a prize winner because it was first time for me. 
However, it proved we were not first place. It’s my genuine complex. “Number 1″ this word’s sound is great, but I have never gotten it, absolutely.
Basically I love myself and I hardly envy others because I trust that I have superiority to others in case of total power.
It shows I’m just jack of all trades and master of none. Always I think I have to be professional, but it’s really difficult.
“Play fair.”
Prof. Kazuo Kawasaki
Kazuaki Nakamura
Today my professor said about things for students to do. He said that students must play fair.
I was surprised at that words. It’s because it was the same words with my grand father’s life lesson.
My grand father is not a great person as well as my professor but he is one of the  most important person in my life. He always support me without words, it helped me a lot, but sometimes he said to me “Always play fair.” Therefore, I remember this words strongly.
If I play fair, the results will be made only by myself, responsibility is only for me. Sometime I can get notice from own behavior, if I did not good behave. To live free, play fair.
I went to my family home last weekend and setup my father’s windows 7.
I told him that he should  buy iMac again and again but he bought win computer. He can’t setup his own computer so he always asked others (recently others means me) to setup it, but he didn’t listen my advice.
Totally I can’t understand his thinking because I’m heavy apple user, as you know. It was useless to convince him to use it. He was stubborn. At that time I realized it’s similar to religion. After realization I stopped complaining and started setting up his computer.
However, I couldn’t finish it due to time limit. It was really annoying for me accustomed to Mac OS. In case of Mac OS, I don’t need time and description paper, I need only some clicks. On the other hand, in case of windows I need time and tolerance with thick description book.
I don’t want to criticize windows at all (I know windows’ a few good points and some apple’s bad points),  but they should make senseful computer for beginners. Still computers are only for geeks.
These days I realized human body is honest.
If I ate too much, the next day or two days after I got fat, or if I stayed up late, next day I felt too sleepy. It means I’m not young already, my body can’t do so hard work.
However, body’s honesty is so good tool to judge own lifestyle that we should take care of it. It’s because lifestyle represent ourself.
Now I got a throat ache. It means I hadn’t had enough time to write blog articles because of  resent busyness. I have to change my whole lifestyle to be better.
I think Products affect human’s deep psyche. It’s too deep so often we can’t understand. 
Sometime commonsense about a product came from mistake of design. Long history of using miss-designed products built mental model inside of people’s mind.
Many people including me don’t realize it and use it without a doubt, but in rare cases a star designer realize it and make a new design. Then, if new design is bad, people don’t accept it, so it despair in the history, if it’s good people accept it with reluctance and gradually become popular.
From this thinking, I think of two things. One is that first design should be considered by long term thinking. The other is that we should know what is good design or bad design.
These days I remembered dreams I saw in before night. Every night I swam in a deep sea freely with blonde mermaid. In the past I haven’t experienced like that, so I didn’t know why I had this kinds of dreams.
However, I realized changes of my lifestyle when I thought about of my recent days, it meant from the time I came back to Japan from Korea. The changes of my lifestyle was that I changed my mattress  for better sleeping.
As I recall, the time I changed it is the same with the time I dreamed sea dream. Then I think my mattress make me sea dream. Till now I slept on a Japanese-style bedding, but I decided to sleep on western style bed.
In other words, products can affect human’s deep psyche. I think there are many other examples.

Do you know this song? This song is made by autotuned voices of Grasse Tyson, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan and Bill Nye, super star scientists.
Symphony of Science, a project to spread knowledge of science and philosophy is making songs like this. They have good sense, beautiful melody and wisdom lyrics. I knew this website from the Progressive Inclusive Design lecture conducted by Prof. Kanaya. It was interesting.

Science is close and distant existence to human. I think the problem about nuclear plant is connected to this. We didn’t know exact how to generate electricity we everyday use.

Therefore, I think we have to study science again and we have to know about it.

I know I’m still on my way. Therefore, I shouldn’t be emotional yo – yo by small success and small miss.
The most important point is what I want to be. Always I’m saying like that to kids whom I teach soccer. So I know it, but small despair break me down.
It will take a little bit long time to heal wounds, but I have to change my mind and stand up again.
I don’t know the end of this way but I have to advance my steps to go forward.
I became my lab’s leader. I am the oldest and the most experienced one in my lab.
Always I thought, a leader must take all responsibilities for the team, but I realized it’s really hard. At first, I have to think about how to take a responsibility.
In the past, I was the vice captain of soccer team and the president of student council, but those experiences are hardly help me. I guess I was young and they are jejune.
Now I’m on my way to be a greater leader. It’s hard and long, but valuable to walk.
Current Japanese Prime Minister is ineligible to a national leader. It’s clear but hard to say about exact reasons. I’ll study his failure.