AERA 中吊り広告

I want to criticize and state my opinion about Japanese ad I saw, that is saying “Radioactivity is coming.”
This ad unnecessarily fuel fear and instigate people. I realized we need to do, to get primary information, to understand that information correctly and to get knowledge to understand it. Then, I studied media has strong bias.
Japanese media broadcasted this nuclear accident everyday, so everyone felt fear about nuclear plants. Therefore, every nuclear plants in the world will be criticized.
However, I think we need nuclear plants. Generating energy is really important thing for current man-kind, but other alternative ideas are still weak for replacing nuclear plants. It’s natural we have to make clean energy innovation but we need much energy for doing that kind of innovation.
Human race must stand up against safety problem about controlling nuclear system.



I really appreciate Skype, because I contacted with my family through  this App. As you know, it’s really nice.
Now I’m living in Korea so phone bill is really expensive, but this App helped me contact with my family at cheap bills.
Moreover, Skype company provide a 25 minutes free coupon to every Japanese account. It’s amazing! I know it can’t replace phone at all, but it helps a lot.
This App is only for Japanese, but I want to introduce it as a example of disaster support.
This App was released on 11th March, just after terrible earthquake. I was surprised at programmers effort. They did nice work really quickly. I guess it helps disaster victims contact with each other.
It is using electronic bulletin board provided by softbank as a exiting infrastructure, but they provided App for iPhone quickly. This action should be esteemed.
However, I can see negative mention on iTunes’ customer review. It shows still there are many obstacles we have to overcome.
Language express its culture. If there are many words which shows the same or similar things in one language, it means that things are important for that language’s culture.
In Korea, boys call a older brother ‘형(Hyeong)’, a older sister ‘누나(Nuna)’ and girls call a older brother ‘오빠(Oppa)’, a older sister ‘언니(Eon-ni)’. On the other hand, younger brothers and sisters are called ‘동생(Dongsaeng)’ with uniformity.
In case of Japanese, we don’t take care about our gender when we want to call our brothers or sisters, and there is a exact boundary between younger sister and younger brother.
I can understand that age and sex are really important for Korean culture from this fact. I think this attitude base on Confucianism. In Korea Confucianism rooted really deeply into their mind.

Korean people often eat ramen at convenience store. In other words, they often eat cup noodle. It’s because there are few restaurant selling ramen in Korea, and restaurant’s ramen are also instant noodle.
In convenience stores, there is a space for eating a cup noodle. People can eat cup noodle only there. In Japan, we can pour hot water to cup ramen but we can’t eat it there.
Therefore, Korean amount of consumption per capita seems to be the highest in the world. I was surprised that Korean amount is over Japanese amount of consumption per capita. It’s because I feel Japanese cap noodles are really better than Korean ones.
There are many kinds of Korean cup noodles but I can’t understand their differences, moreover Korean cup noodles contain nothing except soup and noodles. Always I’m taken in package picture. I felt sympathy to their habit but contents are not good. Therefore, I want to introduce Japanese ramen restaurant and cup noodles to them.

I put Donation Ad on this blog for disaster victims in Tohoku area. I will keep it one month.
Once again, please donate to Japan, if you can. Thank you very much. (This Ad is only for Japanese, so for foreigners I advise to use following link. This link are written in English and you can donate by credit card.)

I love ramen, I think many other Japanese too. If you are in Japan, you can eat ramen everywhere. There are a lots of ramen restaurants. Ramen was Chinese food, it was from China, but it was developed by Japanese people individually, it is now Japanese food.
Korean ramen style is different from Japanese and Chinese one.
Soup of Korean ramen is red and hot. Red soup is base of Korean food, so it’s natural. However, noodles is surprise for me. Korean ramen’s noodle is instant noodle if I buy ramen on ramen shop.
In Korea, ramen is lean days food, so it’s not gorgeous like Japanese one. When I was in Japan, I didn’t have much money so I often ate pot noodle. I felt sympathy to them.

Ondol is the name of underfloor heating system using in Korean Peninsula. I guess many Japanese studied it on Junior high school’s history class, it means it’s famous in Japan.
I heard that it used smoke from furnace in the past, and now they’re keeping that system by using pipe with hot water because they can’t use that smoke thanks to modernized and verticalized buildings.
For people who have a custom to take off their shoes at an entrance, ondol is really good system. For example, I really thanked it when I got in a restaurant from really cold outside.
However, especially for a bedroom it seems to not match to me. It always keeps every room warm all together so I can’t control its degree. Therefore, I sweated much everyday during sleeping even if I sleep on  my bed. It makes me tired.
Now I’m thinking the real cause of this. I assume that it depends on differences between each characteristics came from differences of climate and traditional buildings. Ondol seemed to come to Japan at Asuka Era, it’s really long time ago, at that time techniques from Korean Peninsula was reall important. However, ondol couldn’t get popular in Japan. I think it shows my reason ( I can’t become to like ondol so much. )
Tatami is the best for Japanese.

11th Mar. PM 2:46, a really large scale earthquake (Magnitude 9.0) happened at Tohoku area Pacific Ocean. I’m really sorry for the victims of the earthquakes and the tsunamis. I pray for your safety with my sincere regret.
Now I can do nothing for the disaster victims except small amount of donation. Therefore I posted website links which I donated. This site is written in English and you can donate by your credit card. I believe even this small action will save them. Please donate to Japan. Thank you very much.
website links