March 1st. was national holiday in Korea. Samiljol, the name of that holiday was instituted to celebrate starting Demo movement by citizens for independence from Japan.
I saw many Korean national flags on a road in front of KAIST and bicycles with small Korean national flags. I heard it will become more large scale in Seoul.
In Japan, will things like this happen? I think no. Most of people don’t put up a Japanese national flag on national holidays, I think and many Japanese people don’t have Japanese national flags at all in the first place.
Looking back into history, Japan never be dominated by other countries, at the Himiko era and at the GHQ era also, Japan was Japan luckily.
On the other hand, Korea was attacked by Japan or China many times, and dominated. Therefore, independence is precious thing for them I guess. I can understand it from the fact there are two national holidays about independence.
Independence implies Japan ruled Korea, so I thought I would felt timid but it was different. They are proud of it but my friends are so brilliant that they know real meanings of independence movement. From their attitude I studied I have to think again what is real peace.
I had a Seoul tour from Feb. 25th to 28th. I visited many tourist spot of Seoul, so I want to introduce them.
At 25th night I visited Hongdae area which there is a university famous for art. Many art students want to come here so there are many fashionable galleries, clubs, bars, restaurants and ateliers. I think it’s similar to Shimokitazawa in Japan, I haven’t been there though.
I visited there at night because it was final Friday of February. In this area, there is a popular event called “Club day” at final Friday of every month. Guests can go 21 clubs in Hongdae area freely with only 20,000 won. I wanted to go but I couldn’t because of busy days.
Five months later from started studying abroad, finally I could go there, however it was finished regrettably really regrettably. This area is called art town but I felt that it was dirty. There are many garbages on a road. It should be more beautiful.



iBeer is the most famous joke App on iTunes App store. The function is that at first beer movie emerge on display with beer sound, and next if you tilt display that beer fade out gradually, at last if all beer disappear ribald burp sound. That’s all.
You can change beer’s color or add droplets on surface of mug, it doesn’t matter. Show it in your party, you can get attention and laughing.
Digits Calculator for iPad + iPhone

Digits Calculator for iPad + iPhone is merely a calculation App, but design of this App is very good I think. 
Don’t you feel repetition mistakes on your calculator. I felt it many times because my calculator couldn’t  keep two number. Even if I took an amount of time to calculate  one number, it’s not a matter. I had to do it again from the start.
This App can make you free from those mistakes. It can keep and show many numbers came from previous numbers.
The good point is this App can be used by iPhone. We can use this App’s iPhone version as well as iPad version.
Digits Calculator for iPad + iPhoneは本当にただの電卓アプリですが、色々と気遣いがありがたいのです。
My friends say kimchi is not hot. For me that fact is even funny but they seem to be serious. They eat kimchi so long time so their tongue might overcome hotness of kimchi. Anyway I can’t understand it.
On the other hand, the hot thing they said too much hot was not hot for me, at least not hotter than food they don’t think hot.
I faced this kind of things many times, so there is clear difference between Korean my friends and me. I believed biological differences are really small between us. Therefore, only background of cultural differences are left.
Still there are possibilities like concept of hotness is different, but this difference is really interesting.

No doubt about that the most famous Korean food is kimchi, all Japanese believe it I think and moreover even Japanese believe that Korean people bring their home made kimchi for a trip.
Actually kimchi exist everywhere, every restaurant must serve kimchi as one kind of side dish. I eat kimchi in every meal because it is free.
Kimchi is pickled vegetables with much red pepper. However the origin of Korean red pepper is not popular in Korea. It was imported by Japanese at the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Till then Korean pickled vegetables seemed to be tasted by Chinese pepper.
Still it is mystery why Korean people started to use red pepper for pickled vegetables at that time. It was a kind of innovation, many historian can’t find the reason. Go from chump to champ, it is just representative of Korean food.

Brain-Machine Interface surely can be a dream product for patients with paralysis. It’s because it can be connect brain and body parts that became paralysis without injured nerve. It’s too difficult for current medical technology, I guess. Moreover, using way like “Surrogates” has also wonderful possibilities.
However, it is not good way for action to float up a ball, despite it is not technically complicated task like human body movement.
The most important thing is the function of body. If capability of Brain-Machine Interface will go up in the future, a tangible movement of body will be able to become easy, but an intangible action people haven’t experienced will be in chaos.
Actually I needed to spin a fan under cylinder to lift up the ball, but I couldn’t understand how to think “Spin a fan!”, for example, thinking sentences or imaging a fan and imaging spinning fan. Neither way are good enough. It’s a little bit vague, my words also vague though. I’m thinking interfaces that suit  to human body or human thinking are essentially important for human.
However, the power of science has a possibility to overcome these things.

My force lifts up ball!

Do you know a Brain-Machine Interface? Simply that is a device to control machine like cars and computers by our brain wave.
I experienced that at TEDxKAIST. I wore a device like a headphone and concentrated on a ball inside cylinder (please look at above picture.), “Move! Move!” Then it started move, it was similar to Force of Star Wars.
Actually, a Brain-Machine Interface is not so new things. That concept was made for a long time ago and consumer products were sold a while ago, but it was still impracticable so we couldn’t find it. There was long line wanted to experience it, it shows its rareness and popularity.
Sometime a Brain-Machine Interface is called a dream product. Someone said, “it will replace every interface.”
However, I didn’t think so after I experienced it. It didn’t depend on current lowness of brain wave measurement. I thought Brain-Machine Interface is not suited to some products essentially.


Last Saturday, I attended TEDxKAIST. It was impressive talk event, so I want to review.
It was second time TEDx, I felt good point of TEDx is to try to share good ideas with everyone. The entrance fee was not high and they broadcasted the contents by Livestream on Internet. Speakers seemed to not get money and Staff’s attitude were really good.
Honestly speaking I didn’t have interests with some talks because they gave all talks to us as a one package, that is TEDx. Therefore if I focus on time effectiveness, it’s better to listen only talks I like. On the other hand I can see this thing from another view point, I could listen talks I don’t have any interests. I learned this attitude from TEDx I think.