
Phoster is a good App to make poster using a photo you took.
It’s similar to Photogene but good point of this App is specialized for making poster.
In this App, you can use many kinds of templates of fonts layouts. You can add a photo you like to these templates and you can change details. It’s really easy.
Also this App’s functions are limited but you can make easy poster in a few minutes.
Easy and intuitive! They are just good points of iPad!


Photogene for iPad

Photogene for iPad is one kind of App like photoshop. I think this App is iPad’s photoshop. Compared with PC’s photoshop, it doesn’t have high functionality. (Actually on iTunes App store, there is real photoshop made by Adobe, but it’s express version so I think this App is better.) 
However, it’s enough for iPad. From the beginning PC’s photoshop is too complicated for beginner because of its high functionality. Real photoshop takes a time and needs skill to control. On the other hand, photogene designed to focus on important function for controlling by touch interface so that beginner can use it lightly.
If iPad2 have a camera following rumor, the value of this App will increase considerably.
Photogene for iPad はいわゆる写真加工アプリです。iPad上でPhotoshopみたいなことができるPhotoshopほど高機能ではありませんが。
Mime Show
I attended a mime show held at KAIST. I was really impressed by this event, not only contents of this mime show but also this approach of KAIST. It wants its students to understand cultural things.
This event was totally free and open to not only students but also citizens lived around KAIST. KAIST’s auditorium that capacity is around 1,000 people was almost full.
Osaka University doesn’t have this kind of hall and event. It hold some events only during school festival. On the other hand, KAIST open cultural event on Friday night at odd intervals. This event was 527th of this approach. What a amazing!
Prof. Oriza Hirata said, “University is a society. It has economy, law and people inside of it. However, it doesn’t have art museum and theatre. Its capacity of art and culture is low. University should teach society as a educational institute.” I remembered this words after this event.

I was surprised at a toilet in Seoul. They don’t flush used paper but throw to prepared trash box.
I tried to find the reason but I couldn’t. Frankly speaking, I don’t know why that thing had been seen in a big city like Seoul.
I realized cleanness of Japanese toilet. I think Japan is the no.1 in this field. It’s because a lid of Japanese toilet automatically open. Moreover, a wash let a miracle invention of 20th century was made by Japan. I recognized Japanese good point in unexpected way.

There is really terrible traffic rules for me in Korea. It is that cars can turn right while signal is red. It has exception like drivers have to check there are no people, but still it’s hard to believe for Japanese.
At the same time, they can’t turn left while signal is green, they have to wait for special signal for turning left.
I feel Korean? or Daejeon? drivers not so subdued becaused I faced a car during crossing crosswalk sometimes. Therefore, I threw away my thinking walker be protected by law. I have to remember the word, “When in Rome do as the Romans do.”





Japanese traffic rule and Korean rule is different. The most different point is direction of movement. Automobiles with steering wheel on the right side keep left in Japan, and they with steering wheel on the left side keep right in Korea.
There are many rumors about direction of movement, but no one knows exact reason. 
One rumor said in past Japan, there are many samurais having Japanese sword on their left side. In order to avoid hitting Japanese sword and Japanese sword, they walked left side, because Japanese sword was their soul. However, I wonder this rumor because at that time there were no automobile. I think a rumor saying  Japanese government followed England rules when they introduced cars to Japanese people is more believable.
On the other hand, Korean cars kept left for a period of time when Japan occupied their land. However, they started to introduce new rule cars keep right under effect of America.
In current situation, many cars in the globe keep right.






On the article I wrote on 12th Feb., I talked about the Korean President, so I want to write differences between Japanese Prime minister and Korean President and my thought.
Japanese Prime minister is the representative of government because Japanese emperor is a token head of the state. On the other hand Korean President is real head of the state chosen by people’s direct vote. Therefore their power are different in many aspects.
They run different countries which has different histories, cultures, lands, systems even problems. Therefore, I know comparing is no meaning but I can’t help feeling Japanese Prime minister are inferior to Korean President in only point of leadership.
I have to say, surely there were many great leaders in Japan but recently it is regrettable thing but people of small caliber became Prime minister.
“Who is the best President?” people can answer this question in Korea. However, in Japan “Who is the best Prime minister?” people can’t answer I think. It’s because they don’t know the name and what they did and more importantly they don’t have interests to politics.
I really love Japan, never hate. Always I realized Japanese good points during this studying abroad. If Japan had a good leader, Japan could be more good.



7notes is really Amazing App for Japanese. Amazing point is character recognition of handwriting characters. This App can recognize even clumsy handwriting character.
I guess iPad users always feel that iPad’s keyboard is not good because of touch panel. Sometime we need handwriting. Surely there are many handwriting App but they save handwriting as a image. Therefore we can’t retrieve them later. We want to save them as a character and retrieve them later.
This App’s high quality character recognition allow to do that. It may be making document App for only iPad.
Although there are some points I want to improve like saving documents, I think character recognition skill of this App is worth to buy. Now is a chance to buy because it is on sale.
I hope eventually this character recognition will be standard of iOS.


SoundNote is the best App for taking memo of a lecture, a class or a interview.
It can record sound and take memo at the same time. Therefore, if I missed hearing I could recover it later. After version up, it became useful, it can cue.
I can send sound data and memo by mail and it can share them with PC by using wifi. These data are designed to be right so it’s easy to send, share and save.
Now I’m using iPad as a notebook because of retrieval performance, so this App is really useful.
KAIST commencement was held yesterday. The commencement held four days after entrance ceremony is a little bit funny for me, but there are other interesting things.
It’s same with Japan that here are long boring talks during commencement, but student’s clothes are different. KAIST students wear a square cap and gown, I thought it’s similar to Western style.
The most surprise is that at commencement of last year the president of Korea, Lee Myung-bak came to this school to talk to graduate students. I was really surprised at the fact that real president came to school.
At that time, there are a lot of black suited SPs and military people, even sniper. I think we can’t face like this situation.