There are a little bit differences between Japanese and Korean public bath, it is rare thing in other countries though.
The most different point is washing off the dirt. In Korea, a public bath prepare large space for it. The quarter space of all area seemed to be occupied by it.
Recently there are super Sentoues, it means large public bath, in Japan, and they prepare space for washing off the dirt. However a super sentou don’t prepare space for it, because it doesn’t take root on the Japanese culture but it has taken root on Korean culture.

I think Korean food expense is cheaper than Japanese. I don’t consider about expensiveness of Yen’s value. Japanese may feel profit in other countries because of Yen’s value. However, regardless of it Korean food expense is reasonable except hamburger.
I don’t know why almost Korean hamburgers are expensive compared with other food in Korea.
I guess it’s one reason there are many expensive hamburger brand like Krazeburger or Playburger. However, ordinary burger brand like MacDonald’s or Lotteria also expensive.
My thought is based on Japanese prices so it may contain Japanese recent deflation effect. However, price differences among other countries are interesting.
Some Korean friends leave pretty amount of their foods. Because I’ve been trying to not leave my foods, it was surprise for me.
I think many people don’t leave their foods in Japan. On the other hand, sometime they leave even a half of dish.
In Korea, restaurant serve many side dishes regardless main dish I mentioned. It’s hard to finish all of them, so they can’t help leaving some of them. Therefore, they don’t hesitate to leave side dishes and lose hesitant to leave main dish too, I guess.

KAIST entrance ceremony was held yesterday. It was totally different from Japanese universities entrance ceremony. The difference is that it was held before graduation ceremony. 
Every Japanese university starts from April and ends at March, but KAIST starts from the first week of February and ends at the weekend of the first week of February.
It seems to be different from other Korean universities. It was changed three years ago for taking a long summer vacation because students can get internship or side project more easily.
I was really impressed by this attitude. It’s because Japanese universities don’t have power to do like this. Because of this, the timing of getting job will be different from other universities students, but KAIST is trusted by companies and students’ qualities are still high, so they can do it. Can Japanese universities do this?

Korean restaurant serves many kinds of side dishes for free. In case of friend’s house, also there are many side dishes, so I think it’s culture of Korea. Dishes are chinese cabbage kimchi, radish kimchi, seaweed, sesame leaf and etc.
Interesting point is they don’t need fee. Of course main dish needs fee but side dishes are all free if I eat too much side dishes.
Sometime we can see similar service in Japan. Some ramen shop serve kimchi for free. They seemed to learn the service way from culture of the birthplace of kimchi.

HELP CALL is new iPhone App by Peace-Keeping Design. 
You can use this App when you are in a situation that it’s hard to talk to others like “Sexually molested” or “Caught a cold”.
Moreover, you can send your present location by mail, you may use this App for meeting someone.
I guess you can use this App as a burglar alarm, please purchase it.
PKDの新しいアプリ「へルプコール」がiTunes storeにて販売開始しました。
Dubble is puzzle game using touch interface effectively. Maybe this game is the game I played the longest time on my iPad.
Rule is simple and easy, throw color ball by fore finger and attach it to the same color ball. If three balls are attached they will break. Generally, this game style is called bubble shooter.
The interesting point of this game is balls swing a little bit when balls are attached. This swing make something. I think this game has high entertainment and complicated tactics based on simple rules and eventuality of swing. 
Dubble -革命的なバブルシューター-はタッチインターフェースを駆使したパズルゲームです。もしかしたらこのゲームがiPadで最も長い時間やったゲームかもしれません。
I didn’t know that many Asian countries celebrate lunar new year’s day except Japan. Asian exchange students taught me. They usually spend year changing period with their family, but food and greeting way and etc. for that period are different each other.
Cultural influence of China in Asia and interesting point of cultural difference among nations I studied from this thing.  
Sometimes lunar calendar is called Chinese calendar because it was mainly used in China, and now it is wide spread and used in many countries for celebrating lunar year period. Japanese use Chinese characters and Korean Hangeul based on Chinese characters. Currently China has a lot of economic power and military power, but I realized cultural power of China also large.
Sometimes Japanese can’t feel nation as a connection because there is one race and our religion is ambiguous. However, that connection surely exists I realized from these differences. 

Happy New Year! Today is the lunar year’s new year day. Japanese don’t use it at all but every Korean knows it and celebrate it.
They use new calendar basically but use lunar calendar for special event(new year day and Bon festival).
They have only one holiday during new calendar’s year changing period, but during lunar calendar’s new years days they have three holidays.
Every Koreans go back to their home and meet with not only family but also kins and celebrate new year and pray for their ancestors together.
Japanese has also custom of ancestor worship but something a little bit different from each other.

The most different point between Japanese and Korean is that Japanese lift up a bowl but Korean do not.
Interesting point is in Japan if kids don’t lift up their bowl, they will be scolded and also Korean kids will be scolded if they lift up their bowl. It was discipline but I’m in overseas that discipline is totally opposite, it was my culture shock.
However, I studied a lot and I realized Japan is the special in case of eating style. They use only chopstick during meal. It forced people to lift up drinking soup and it made them lift up bowl.
When I lived in Japan, I can’t realized this fact.