I came back to Japan but these days I was extremely busy, so I couldn’t make a time to upload blog articles.
After all I realized the greatness of my teacher who upload his blog everyday.
To carry out one’s word is really hard. Tiredness, lack of time and lack of ideas, there are many reasons and excuses for me. However all of them are from my weakness.
I want to be a strong leader someday, so I want to overcome myself by uploading this blog everyday. I don’t know till when I can keep it on, but I want to try my limit.
My professor advise me to write a blog in English, so I quit to upload Japanese version. If you can have a time to check my challenge blog, I’ll be happy.
Thank you.
My friends brought me Gyeounju on my last weekend in Korea.
Gyeounju is the historical culture city located in South part of Korea. There are a lot of heritage of Silla Kingdom. It’s similar to Kyoto and Nara in Japan as a ancient capital.
Korean friends said there were good old street landscape in Gyeounju. It’s different from Daejeon I lived in.
I’ll write my impression about historical things later, I want to describe my impression about trip. New people and new things are there in trip. Trip is important for human life.
I appreciate for my friends. Thank you guys.



These days I often see my friends’ photo taken by Instagram. This App is called Photo Twitter because it can upload photos with comments.
There were many similar App before, but I feel this App is a little bit special. It’s because it can allow us to do many small but we wanted to do things.
Now I’m confusing because of large amount of social application. Having many different applications are annoying so I hope summarized App.

KAKAO Talk is most popular messenger App in Korea. We can enjoy 1:1 chat or group chat with this App.
This App has Android version too. We can overcome OS difference and mobile phone company difference with this App.
I guess it can be used for contacting with family during disaster.
One time my hair was cut at Korean beauty shop. When I saw my face on mirror, I thought I became Korean. I think this is one good example of a way to distinguish Asian people.
Then I got surprise about quality of service. I’ll write my thought.
I went there 11:30 pm. It was really late but they were working. Moreover it was really cheap. I guess Japanese fee is more than three times at least. I enjoyed the same service in Korea, but that was little bit different, I think it was little bit rough compared with Japan. Therefore, I realized Japan quality.
However, for a student cheap and long opening hour is better.

I said the way to distinguish Asian people don’t depend on innate character but on sense affected by environment or culture.
I think the easiest way to distinguish Korean people is glasses. Almost of them wear Wellington type glasses. It’s classic style so it needs sense to wear. Some people are suited to wear it but some people are not.
I thought the reason Korean people who I met wear Wellington type glasses is I’m in KAIST. KAIST is one of the top University in Korea, so they don’t have a interest about it, I thought.
However, I found Korean idol wore it, so that style is established in Korea. If you see Asian people who wear Wellington type glasses, I think she or he is Korean.
韓国人の友人達にはヨン様もかけているKazuoKawasaki Ph.Dをおすすめします。ウェリントンタイプに分類出来る眼鏡もありますが、大きさが計算されているのでどれを選んでも外しません。

I thought it’s easy to distinguish Asian people, Japanese and Korean and also Chinese before coming Korea. My answer was 90% correct but I didn’t know the reasons.
Now it’s modified. It’s because environment was totally changed, I’m in Korean culture. Through this experience, I will talk about my thought to distinguish Asian recently I got finally.
I think there are no specific differences about inborn point but acquired sense affected by environment or culture. For example, fashion, hairstyle and for ladies makeup way.
If a man wear black earrings, he must be a Korean. In Japan and I guess also in China black earrings are not popular. My friend is looks like Japanese, he has a Japanese girl friend and he likes Japanese songs. He like Japan and used to be Japanese culture. However, if he wear a baseball cap, he looks like Korean. It’s because Japanese people who like Japanese fashion don’t wear a baseball cap.

Korean people call their older friend Hyeong or Oppa for example, senior member of their laboratory. On the other hand, Japanese people call their older friend surname.
This fact shows Korean people think their friend is one part of their family. Once you became friends with Korean people, they will treat you as a family.
However, there are some people who use brother or sister to utter strangers. Kansai people who live in Kansai area.
I think there are some similarity between Kansai people and Korean people. It’s they are assertive and sentimental but soft hearted. Sometime Japanese people are thought as not assertive and quiet people except Kansai people. I think language express not only culture but also character.

Korean Culture1 -韓国語から考える韓国の文化考察1-