Today’s article is consequence of yesterday’s article. We can use credit card almost everywhere in Korea even if the price is small instead of using cash. In Japan we can use credit card at only limited stores so I felt it’s really useful.

When using credit card in Korea, we have to write sign not on paper but on liquid crystal display. Therefore, every shop has this system. However, surprising point is in other place. Korean people’s signs are gibberish.

At first, I thought they are writing joined-up English but it was totally different. Their signs have no meaning at all. One of my friend write emoticon at one time. He said, “Sometime I add tear to this emoticon if I feel some sadness. Today, I feel good so it’s smiling!”

I thought the security level of Korean credit card is not so high.



Current exchange rate between Japanese Yen and Korean Won is “100 Yen =1,340 Won.” (It’s mean “1,000 Won = 74.7 Yen.”)
Though these numbers are affected by rising Yen and weaken Won, I’m feeling a sense of 1,000 Won is same with a sense of 100 Yen in my real life.

A big difference is the value of paper currencies. The paper currencies of Japanese Yen are 1,000 Yen, 2,000 Yen, 5,000 Yen and 10,000 Yen. (It’s really hard to see 2,000 Yen though.)

On the other hand, Korean paper currencies are 1,000 Won, 5,000 Won, 10,000 Won and 50,000Won. 50,000 Won is a new one so it’s hard to find it in real life, but even 50,000 Won’s value is still low comparing with Japanese 10,000 Yen. For that reason, it’s bother to bring cash.

About coin, there are a few use frequency, I think. In Japan even 1 Yen coin is required for payment, in Korea I never use a 10 Won coin, though it exists. The units of 10 Won is rounded out in cash transaction.


Not only Korean taxi but also Korean public transportation system is amazingly cheaper than Japanese.

From Daejeon where I live to Seoul, the center of Korea, it takes about 2 hours by bus and about 1hours by KTX. From Osaka to Nagoya, bus and Shinkansen take similar time to from Daejeon to Seoul, but the fare are three times or more as much as Korean fare.

Moreover, Korean bus has wider seats and a special lane on highway in order to not be involved traffic jams. KTX starts every 20 minutes. Advantage of Japan is only the safeness of Shinkansen.

Subway is too. Its fare is also about three times. However, Tokyo’s subway is better than Osaka. Osaka subway’s fare is extremely expensive.

Safety and Security are really important but Japanese public transportation fare should be cut more. If it will be cut, people will move freely and economic activity will get hot.



I had some chances to get on taxi in Seoul. In Japan, I don’t take a taxi at all, but I took a taxi many times in Korea. It’s because Korean taxi fee is third part of Japanese one. There are no barriers to take a taxi in Korea.
 However, many drivers passed us by in Seoul. It was really sad thing. For traveler, taxi is one choice to go somewhere, I think. Especially in tourist spot, taxi drivers should have responsibilities to act for each places.

Myeongdong is famous shopping town at the center of Seoul. It’s similar to Shibuya in Japan, but the most distinguished difference is foreigner, in this case it’s Japanese are too much.

Myeongdong’s barker using Japanese a lot, and Japanese they are using are really fluent. On advertising boards, there are many Japanese words and we can see many Japanese entertainer’s looking on stand advertisement. Therefore, Korean young people seemed to move to Gangnam because of muchness of Japanese.

In Myeongdong, I thought there were many rip-off prices. They are different from Daejong’s prices, anytime and anywhere in a tourist spot the prices is naturally high though.

I lived 5months in Korea so I could understand the difference of price. If I didn’t have experience living in overseas, I couldn’t. Next time I will go to other city as a tourist, I want to understand the difference with relative value judgment.







Tap DJ – Mix and Search your Music
Tap DJ – Mix and Search your Music is DJ App for iPhone. In other times, I introduced djay a DJ App for iPad, this App is extremely cheaper than djay.
You can mix songs, change a pitch of song and use effect with this App. In djay you can’t use effect, so it’s really brilliant.
However, I like djay more because of controllability, but it’s good too and cheap. I think you can try this really easily.
Tap DJ – Mix and Search your MusicはiPhoneで実現したDJアプリです。以前djayというアプリを紹介しましたが、djayと較べて圧倒的に安いのが利点です。
僕は操作性の点でdjayの方が好きなのですが、安いのでTap DJ – Mix and Search your Musicの方がお得ですね。この値段なら一度試してみるということも簡単でしょう。
grand theft auto CHINATOWN WARS HD
Do you know a game series called grand theft auto? It’s a kind of pioneer of criminal games, a player controls low level agent of mafia freely and clears missions from boss. Its contents too violent but interesting.
In Japan, grand theft auto 3 was sold for PS2, and it was big hit. However, in case of me, I played this game before smash hit because my old friends found and bought grand theft auto 2 in junkyard. Therefore, I remembered this game.
Now we can buy this game on iTunes store with really low cost and play this game on iPad or iPhone. It’s really cool. Therefore, I bought it, I don’t need it though. You can play and enjoy this game in limited time. iPad and iPhone is good match to this game.
そのグランド・セフト・オートの最新作がグランド・セフト・オート:チャイナタウン・ウォーズ iPadiPhoneでプレイ出来ます。しかも800円で。安い。
There are two large market in Seoul. They are Dongdaemun market and Namdaemun market. The reason they are called like that is the large old gate exists near each market. (Mun means gate in Korean language.)
Impressions about these markets are crowd and bustling. They are retailing and wholesaling, so there are no price tags. We can negotiate price with shop.
Around Dongdaemun market, there are several high buildings and many many street stands. On the other hand, Numdaemun market is classic style market.
The most unfortunate thing was I couldn’t watch Numdaemun because it was building.  It was fired and burned down. Now they are building with heart and soul.

March 3rd. seemed to be the day of triangular gimbab, convenience store near my room did campaign for it. It must be one kind of marketing strategy.

Gimbab is similar to Japanese rolled sushi. In the past, it was from Japan and become Korean food. Japanese rolled sushi is made of vinegared rice and rolled by normal dried laver. On the other hand, Korean gimbab was made of sesame oil rice and rolled by Korean dried laver and its ingredients are like Korean food. Therefore, Triangular gimbab is in other words Japanese rice ball, onigiri.

Gimbab is really popular food in Korea. They like it, they make it for their kids, they eat it with coke on  picnic. In case of Onigiri, recently it became popular in Korea. Family mart, a convenience chain store imported and started to sell it when it came to Korea. Currently I can buy Triangular gimbab anywhere naturally.

It has only one problem, that’s taste. All Triangular gimbab are tasted by Gouchujang, Korean pepper paste. It’s similar to Japanese situation that there are many onigiri tasted by mayonnaise. I want both of them to make new taste because I like onigiri and triangular gimbab.




Main gate of Changdeokgung
There are two world heritages in Seoul. One of them is called “Changdeokgung Palace” built in 1,405. A palace might be built by the best technology in the country at that time, so seeing them are good for studying history and culture.
There are many differences between this and Japanese famous buildings, I know if you look above picture you can make a mistake though.
The biggest difference is Japanese Palaces are not made like this. At that era, Japanese King meant the Japanese Emperor or Generals. Their living places are not like this. I think Japanese Kings were lived at Castle has many fosse and high fence. However, this palace seemed not to have them. It seemed like a Japanese temples.
There seemed to be many interesting differences, but I couldn’t explain them because of lack of knowledge about history, architecture and religion. I realized my poorness. I have to study more. After studying I want to come here again.