Recently I got more chances to eat out in Korea compared with in Japan. I don’t mean I cooked food by myself in Japan. I go to outside of campus with friends in Korea, but in Japan I don’t do that, eat instant food or go to school cafeteria.
The reason is friends. They go outside many times so I follow them. I guess Korean likes to eat out more than Japan, it points culture a difference between both countries. Around KAIST there are many kinds of restaurants. They serve Korean homestyle foods with cheap prices.
In Japan, eating out means rich or fast-food, therefore I glimpse Korean homely culture from restaurant industry. 

eBoy Fix Pix

eboy Fix Pix is one kind of puzzle game. You can feel new interface with this game. iPad and iPhone contains acceleration sensor, this game use it as a controller of pieces of puzzle. In this game, we use all pieces of puzzle at the same time with tilting or tipping iPad or iPhone.
Pictures are made by eBoy. eBoy is a pixel art group founded 1997. They are famous for making detailed dot pictures. You can understand that by above picture.
The pop pixel art made by eBoy makes us fun. I think playing this game will let us feel we are making these pictures. If you want to make pixel art, please try this!
eboy Fix PixはiPad、iPhoneの特性を活かした新感覚のパズルゲームです。このゲームではiPadやiPhoneが持つ加速度センサーを使ってパズルのピースを扱います。このゲームでは全てのピースをiPadやiPhoneを傾けることによって動かします。
This Dictionary App changes iPad and iPhone into electronic dictionary. I think this App is really useful for WiFi iPad user like me. It must be best buy App.
There are no good Korean Japanese and Japanese Korean Dictionary. I bought one of them,  but it doesn’t have enough functions. I think it can’t help my studying English. Now I realized importance of dictionary for studying other language.
I think the most important point of dictionary is the combination of wide valuation and index, because it can helps people talk with that language.
This App filled all requirement of good dictionary. It’s little bit expensive but Japanese should buy it.
App storeにはいい韓国語の辞書がありません。一つ買ってみたのですが機能もさることながら語彙が少なく学びの補助にはなりません。韓国語を学びながら、今更ながらに言語を学ぶ際の辞書の重要性というものを思い知っています。
People don’t pick up a dish in Korea. All dishes are on table and they pick up only small piece of food with chopstick or spoon. On the other hand, sometimes it can be bad manner in Japan.

Korean people don’t pick up even miso soup. I was surprised when I first saw it. They use spoon for drinking soup. I wrote that Japanese can eat their food without any tool except chopstick. Chopstick can pick up and cut, so I thought chopstick was all-round but it can’t scoop.

Usage of spoon depends on individual in Korea. Some people eat rice with spoon and some people with chopstick. In case of me, I use chopstick only except eating kinds of soup.


Chopstick is common eating utensil for east or east south Asia. Especially, only Japanese to use chopstick without spoon normally.
Compared with Korea, there is another difference. Many Japanese chopsticks are made of wood and lacquered, or plastics, but all Korean chopsticks are made of stainless, I have never seen chopstick made of  other material at restaurant yet. Moreover, Korean people don’t know why Korean chopsticks are made of stainless. 
They use stainless spoon and bowls too. I guess, stainless is really friendly for them as eating utensil since early times, and there are no reason to change them into other materials, so why are stainless utensils friendly for them? (I think there are few countries to use stainless utensils.)
I heard two rumors about it. One is that past royal family in Korea use silver utensils to check poison because silver is reactive substance. The other is that past Korean people use metal utensils as a durable one because there were many wars in Korea so people had to move area to area. I think truth is made of many reasons, but observing unnatural thing for some people which is natural thing for some people is really interesting.

Confucianism is the system of thinking and brief designed by Confucius in pre-Christian China. It is not religion but moral thought in my opinion, because initially Confucius didn’t state about God. I think, in case I study a religion, I have to study it from founder of a sect. It’s because I think sometimes religion is wrenched by time and conception of history.
This concept was supported by five basic element, Humanity(仁), Ritual(義), Loyalty(礼), Filial piety(智) and Relationships(信). I guess, honorific expression of Japanese and Korean language are from the aspect of Loyalty of this concept. I told on previous article it’s spread to Japan and Korea, it’s really important concept. The way of Thinking of this concept are too familiar and too natural for our culture and lifestyle to remove it from us.
Initial principals of this concept are really good, so I have to study it more and I want to make it kind of  rule of me. Even though 2000 years passed, some good design are still good.

Japanese and Korean national soccer team will fight today in Asia cup.

Historically, the match between Japan and Korea has been having special meaning beyond a match between the closest countries.

In case of soccer, I thought Korea was the best team in Asia and Japan couldn’t overcome them at all, but nowadays Japan is growing up. Still I can’t say they are the best, but Japan got mental strength in previous world cup. Many players went overseas and they got good results. Not only national team but also Japanese soccer circle increased soccer intelligence thanks to development of J league.

I think this match will be a good examination for Japan, how well they can play against Korea, one of the best team in Asia. We can check current our relative position. I want Japan to win, but I’ll focus on not only result but also process of this match.





Honorific language is the wording used to express the verbalized subject and the hierarchical relationship of the object. Japanese and Korean language are famous for having various honorific expression. I heard Chinese language also has honorific language to some extent but other languages don’t have various complicated honorific language like them.
I think clearly it was affected by Confucianism. This concept is widely spread to Japan and Korea, surely it made both countries culture.
However, Japanese honorific and Korean honorific are a little bit different. It’s easy to say the reason is because of the difference of language but it is really interesting point to think cultural difference of both countries. Through studying Korean honorific language, I want to study their cultural difference and history.

For Japanese pronunciation of Korean language is really difficult unlike with Hangeul. I think there are two reasons. One is variety of pronunciation of Korean language, and the other is lack of pronunciation of Japanese language.
There are many variety of pronunciation in Korean language. This variety makes me confuse always. Especially the sound of [-n], [-m] and [-ng] is a good example. They are a little bit similar to Japanese but they have a distinct difference in Korean language. I can manage to listen them if Korean teacher carefully pronounce. However, I can’t understand that difference in Korean real conversation. For me too similar to make out. It means Japanese language can’t express Korean language at all.
However, now I’m thinking another reason, though surely there are less pronunciation in Japanese, compared with Korean. It’s natural thing because they are different language. I guess the real problem is that I translate all other language into Japanese inside my mind after all. It seems a problem of Japanese language education.


As you know there is specific alphabet in Korea, that’s called Hangeul. It’s really constitutively systematic. It is phonogram and it has rule to make a character, that rule is just systematic and easy to understand.

On the other hand, Japanese has hiragana and katakana. Both of them are also phonogram but they don’t have rule.  If you want to read them, you have to remember 50 characters, some of them are similar but some of them are different. For Japanese they are too familiar to know the distinguishing point, but for foreigner they are totally different from their language’s alphabet and, I guess, it’s really difficult to learn.
In case of Hangeul, it has strict rule and according to the rule, we can make every sound of Korean language unlike Japanese or English. There are 19 consonant and 21 vowel in Korean language it means there are 399 characters (if we include pacchim more characters exist). Compared with hiragana and katakana, it seemed too much. However, I who am foreigner in Korea can learn Hangeul in only two days. I could understand why they are proud of Hangeul. Regrettably, the pronunciation of Korean language are still difficult though.